H 22 T

- Locatie:
- Industrivej 19b-c, 7700 DK-Thisted, DK
- Advertentie-ID:
- A143-85304
- Referentienummer:
- Item: AH-12036-AH-120240-Horizontal-Tank 22.000L.
- Laatste aanpassing:
- op 10.02.2025
Buitenafmetingen: B 2900 mm Totaal H 3844 mm H 3262 mm.
Gloednieuwe, horizontale roestvrijstalen tanks - 5 stuks.Identiek
Conische uiteinden 15 graden.
We hebben zowel kwaliteit AISI 316 en AISI 304 te bieden
De advertentie werd automatisch vertaald. Vertaalfouten zijn mogelijk.
Contactpersoon: Dhr. Kemal Alispahić
Industrivej 19b-c
7700 DK-Thisted, Denemarken
Many of the products you can find at our database is from our own stocks, but we have also a lot of corporates in Scandinavia, which machines we also are offering on this website.
All our experiences are providing your company with a good and safe consultancy, and you can be sure that we always will do our best to give you the best guides for your upcoming industry machines from us.
If we unfortunately not are having the industry machines you are searching for, it is possible to contact us, and we will do our best to try to find a solution. We have also staff members who is ready to help you with the mounting, and shipping of the machines.
We are always searching for adding machines to our database. Please contact us, if you want to make a cooperation with us
You can use our experience in the service for value assessment of machines and processing lines.
If you don't find that you specific need please send one mail with description of machine or equipment ad we will try to find that for you.
Industrivej 19b-c
DK-7700 Thisted Denmark
VAT: DK-30691954
Aanvraag sturen
Ik ontdekte deze advertentie op Werktuigen : Opslagtank, , H 22 T https://www.werktuigen.be/m-h+22+t/wt-143-85304?utm_source=wt&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share&utm_content=14385304
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